When 'Just Saying Hi' is a Problem

Image description - The conversation starts when you #justsayhi. A hand is in the air. The logo below reads, 'Cerebral Palsy Foundation' I was in the shopping centre on the weekend, and a Sad-Sweet-Smiler walked past and said hello. Smiling sadly and sweetly and sympathetically. If you are not physically disabled, you will not know about Sad-Sweet-Smiler Sympathy Syndrome. It's a sympathetic smile of solidarity from a passerby. They clearly imagine that I am lonely or sad or in need of a Non-Disabled Hug from a fellow shopper. Here's a news flash - no, I don't. There's this shitty campaign going about 'just saying hi' to disabled people. It's been going a while now and I am kind of grateful it has not gotten much currency in Australia. It's bad enough with people leaping out of the way and apologising (even if you are a metre away) or the endless 'sorries' - I counted 37 in a Westfield...